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Love it when God speaks
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just caught up a little with Gossip Girls - Season 2. Made me think quite a lot about Difference in Perspectives.

How a Father's view is so different from a Son's or Daughter's & how Intentions of a Clear Mind can differ so much from one that's Clouded.

Aside from that, God spoke to me 2 things - Reality of Flaws & Loving Unconditionally.

I thank God, for Him being God and no one else. If I were ever to be God, I think the Bible would’ve just stopped at Genesis or so. Haha. He spoke to me and showing me flaws of myself, people, situations, things. But yet at the end of it, He loves us all still just as a Father, no matter how frustrated, irritated and disappointed He might have gotten.

(Background: Jenny ran away from home to pursue her own ambitions, which got ruined or quite so at least)
*Jenny opens the door*
Rufus: *Sighs in Relief*
Jenny: “Hey dad, can I come in?”
Rufus: “Course you can Jenny, It is your home, glad to have you back.”

Sounds a lot like the story of the Prodigal Son right?

Inspired to watch GG now? But not before your BRP. =PP



Level of Significance
Monday, March 23, 2009

I so love some connections, I just managed to get the password to my locked up computer thanks to a school friend.

Thanks to Vodka - Yea, thats his english name, not an alcoholic beverage.

Haha. Anyway, just had a night of mixes. But it was quite good, least my workplan's done (finally), and I read the book for quite a bit before heading home.

So inspired man. I really love the flow of God.
How I feel what Nick, Weijie, and Mel feels.
The Significance, the Realness, and the coming of Strength.
We're all being challenged in our own ways, different circumstance, but such a flow and connection.

God just spoke to me through the book, just 2 paragraphs, but so powerful.
It was a Revelation of myself in Him. A deeper one, not just of Assurance that I'm loved, or knowing that I'm loved, but God sees so much more than that, so much more significance.

It's not the same, "God, have your way in me." anymore.

Just as Boy Jesus became Jesus of Nazareth
Just as David who tended the flock became King David

It's time for me to see things from a whole new level.
I've got to, we've got to.

" I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." - Romans 12:1-2

No more easy way out,
It's our duty for this generation.

God let me see what You see.
Deeper, Closer.




Haha. That's a virtual scream. (It's quite funny how people can express themselves with just words)
& yes, there's good reason for that.
I just spent an entire day waiting for a laptop to be repaired.
Repaired it was indeed, but with a password that I've no idea how to crack.
Well, not at least till next monday.

In the meantime, God bless whoever who thought of changing the password & may he get to know You soon too.

But at least for now, after asking God to make my day more fruitful, I'll be meeting Wei Jie at Yishun Mac's to use his laptop for my Workplan as well as reading a very Fruitful book - YOU THE LEADER by Phil Pringle! =D
(& Yes, its the White one, not the ugly red one. XP Haha.)

So Seeya. =D


I rise with You in the wake of the morning
I walk with You in the cool of the night
And every single day, I'm devoted to Your ways
Only Yours, Only Yours

Recalibrating into Strength
Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm loving what God does.

Life's been great with God.
Problems coming and going like nobody's business,
Ended up not even having to solve most of them as they were resolved themselves.
Kinda funny if you ask me, but that's assurance that I'm walking with God.

God has really been moving in my life, I know He's been recalibrating me into my Strengths, and I'm really really excited.
But I've just one other feeling I've got - I really am curious about what the Big Picture that He's gonna unveil to me. It's not exactly like slowing peeling off the wrapper of a Christmas Present, but its more of taking off the cloth hiding the task in a Fear Factor Challenge!!!
It's cause it's usually like a bad thing, a big problem or challenge, but at the end of it, we always get rewarded in some ways, and of course, it's like an Opportunity of a Lifetime, so... I Can't Wait for it to come! =D

From kid to adult,
- New Levels

I need more of You God


Thought of 3
Thursday, March 19, 2009

3 Things to Blog about today! =D
probably my 1st time with 2 posts in 1 day. Haha.

1st thing,

Just had one of the Beat Hang-Outs in ages!

Personally it was perfect for a Friday Night where I
- Spent just $2 tonight &
- Get to go home considerably earlier for an even more Awesome Saturday!

But aside from just the Friday Night issues, the whole thing was like God-Planned,

From just a Dinner at Newton Circus,
And a Gallivanting Trip around Town,
We dropped off at Esplanade,
Took a Couple of Funny Shots,
& ended up at a Open Air-ed Live Band.

It apparently was the Mosiac Music Festival, but I guess what really made me enjoy it was the company, and the fact that I've always wanted to go for a Chill-Out with a Live Band kinda thing with some friends. Ha. Though the Lights person was probably one lazy person, the Music was quite good. The band's name was pretty lame though - The Ruby Tigers, some Aussy band. Haha. But was enjoyable though, one of the perfect chill-outs.

Anyway, the 2nd thing,

Cherish & Follow

2 Words that describe what I’ve been thinking about recently,

I think that its such a privilege to be able to have so many leaders to Follow after in their footsteps. & I do Cherish it, that's for sure.

But the 2 Things that I was thinking about is quite different in aspect,

It was What if the People/Person I Cherish & Follow after are gone?

I thought back to the day, I had my Follow-Up Lesson with Charleston in FTMS' Nursery.
When I wrote down the 10 Things I loved most, aside from God.

I thought back to the day, Ivan shared heart with me, and told me “its like this, 'I die for you, you die for me'.”
What if the 10 Things were all gone and What if there wasn't anyone who 'dies' for me?

Of course I totally doubt this will ever happen, but I think that it’s still important to think about this too.

The People or the Principles.
The Cares or the Cause.
The Hype or the Heart.
The Desolate or the Duty.

Tough question huh? Up till today, I think its one of the best ways still to know where our treasure really lies at. If its any other, then you know you’ve got to align your heart and flow.

3rd and Lastly,

I had a short talk with Charleston today. Was kind of out of the blue, but yet, I was kinda touched by it. Ha. Ask me personally if you wanna know. =D

Thank You God -
For such an Awesome Life,
For such an Awesome Family
& for such an Awesome You.


Hidden Heart

Today's the day where some people I know get their Postings. I really wonder how'd it'll be like when I am in Army.

Anyway, This week has been really awesome. The Stayover, Makeover & even the Muay Thai Class at FightG, was really an Awesome Experience.

As I was blogsurfing the other day I found this over at Fifi's Blog. It was really worth thinking about it.

"I asked for Strength,
And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for Wisdom,
And God gave me Problems to solve.

I asked for Prosperity,
And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work.

I asked for Courage,
And God gave me Danger to overcome.

I asked for Love,
And God gave me Troubled people to help.

I asked for Favors,
And God gave me Opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted,
I received everything I needed!"

Just as we face Troubles, Difficulties and Challenges,
God does it to help us grow.

We have all probably been told that a Christian Journey is not a sanctuary from Problems, but more of putting yourself vulnerable in a Pool of 'Sharks'. But in God's eyes, thats how much He wants you to learn and grow from, and how much He loves you.

"My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor detest His correction; For whom the Lord loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights." - Proverbs 3:11-12

Every single one of those 'Sharks', a problem in our lives, an opportunity in God's eyes.

I'm sure we all have our problems, whether we choose to deal with it or not.
But here's a perspective, that when the next time you see a problem, think about how God wants to see you grow from it & lastly, but certainly most importantly, its because He loves you.


What It Feels Like Tonight
Monday, March 16, 2009

It been quite a fruitful rest day, spent time with God, slept well, exercised quite abit, did some work, and had some fun (Well more than "some" actually. Haha.).

Didn't have that good a rest day for some time, but what I'm more excited & anticipating about is what is to come up this week. =D I've got it all planned, especially with the Intensive Dance Practs on & Zone C Stayover, I'm Excited! =D Haha.

Talking about Dance, I'm really excited, Haha. It's already at a whole new level!, Man, I really can't wait till we do it on the day, its not just standards up, God has been really working in the Ministry, in the Choreography & Music alike! Waha.
& the other, the Zone C Stayover, well, needless for me to add on to it, except for, since when has Stayovers been melancholic? Ha. Well, actually I used to hate camps & stayovers, but well, you could say that thanks to church, I'm excited the way I am about it today. =D

Loving a Well-Planned Life. & I've been listening to this song feels like tonight by chris daughtry for a bit, its got some powerful lyrics.. sounds like a song I'd sing to God. =D

"I never felt like this before.
Just when I leave, I'm back for more.
Nothing else here seems to matter.

In these ever-changing days,
You're the one thing that remains.
I could stay like this forever."

One thing, I ask, that I could dwell in your house forever

Loving just the way life is, and surely what it'll become as well.


Eternal Pt. II
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

AI Conference was really Awesome. It really put into perspective what we're all about.

Givers, out-giving the Norm.
Not just in terms of Cash, but stepping out, loving people the way God does, not just in our circle but even the people that we don't know, through Action...

That is so what I wanna do infuture... well even now actually. Haha. I hope I'll be able to join that Mission Trip, it'll be such an Experience. And it'll be so worthwhile!

Well, I've really been thinking of how to put my time in better use, and that Army Workshop really double-confirmed it for me. I need to live like an Adult real soon, Taking On Life Even More Seriously & Effectively - That is for God I mean.

Being better-equiped to be God's light. Going whereever and impacting people not just through Character but Skills, Heart & Love.

I Love My Life, My Church, My God. =D This is what I'm Living for.

Just excited about how Life will be like in Future. I'm More than Excited.

A Step Closer to my Destiny.

Signin' In


Music Player

Signin' Out
Heart of God Church
Pastor Kong
Pastor Phil Pringle

Boon Keat
Guo Wei
Hwee Yee
Kian Leng
Lek Fong
Ming Rong
Shi Xiang
Si On
Siok Mei
Wei Jie
Yvonne Char
Zi Ling

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